Hello everyone. >^_^< Well, it turns out I had Season 4, Issue 8 sitting on my hard drive, which never made it to the website,
so, since I've recently been revamping all my sites, I went ahead and finished getting that one ready and put it up.
That done, I must say that I believe this may be the last update to this site ever. I no longer speak with the guy who started this whole thing,
as he is completely evil and absolutely vile. I haven't spoken to him in over a year, in which time, you've probably noticed that there haven't been any issues written.
His brother has been writing his own version of the ANL here, so you can check that out if you like.
Recently I discovered this LiveJournal continuing the Anime News Letter, just as it has continued before.
Sounds a lot like the original creator, so I'm sure it's him, and you can expect the same dropping and restarting to continue on into the future.
But whatever, it's there for your reading enjoyment. But without the pretty website. See ya.
Season 4, Issue 7 has been released, and lots of work has been done on the Profiles. >^_^<
All the former staff members have been added to the Former Staff Profiles page,
a Character Profiles page has been added for recurring characters, and pictures have been gathered for all!
Whoo-hoo!!! Season 2, Issues 19, 20, and 21 are now available. That means we're all up to date! Yay!
Whoo, yeah, ha ha! *ahem* Um, oh, the Profiles page was updated, and a new section was added for Profiles of former staff members.
Now we just need to put together the content for the Profiles, which may take a while... gomen nasai...
It's not my fault, really, it's Sephy's... Anyway, now that the back issues are up to date,
aside from waiting for the next Season 4 issues, all there is to do is some work on the extras.
I plan to add some more to the home page, some sort of introduction to the staff, or brief history, or somesuch.
There will eventually be more pictures in the Artwork section, and likely a section for fan submissions.
We did have some of those at some point, didn't we?... So, well, depending on the turns my summer life takes,
these could be worked on at varying intervals over the summer, or they may have to wait until the fall.
Gomen nasai, hopefully they will not have to wait. Well, enjoy what we have so far. >^_^<
Whew! What a night.... *yawn* Ugh, man, that was a lot of work.... Hey, Pink here, yet again. >^_^<
Well, Season 2, Issues 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 are now available.
Ran into a few problems with missing reviews, but I think everything is there now.
Well, that leaves just three more till the site is all up to date! Yay!
We're still waiting for Sephy to get going on the next Season 4 issue, but it shouldn't be too long now.
Oh, some minor edits concerning spelling errors, link errors, and some forgotten changes were made to
the Constitution, the Profiles page, the Season 2 directory, and all issues of Season 4.
Season 4, Issue 6 has finally been released! Yay! Bet'cha can't wait for the next one, can ya?
Season 2, Issues 9, 10, 11, and 12 are now available.
*sad meow* Oh... Attempted to make some cool custom error pages for the site,
but Tripod won't allow the upload of the .htaccess file to control them because we're a free account.
Well, they're up at error404.html and
error500.html if anyone wants to see them.
Not much more done. Season 2, Issues 7 and 8 have been added.
A little mistake in the Season 2 timeline has been corrected. That's it for now, more to come. >^_^<
Whew, well it's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that.
Caught up in the craziness of college life, and whatnot.
The latest issue couldn't even be mailed out until April 17th, two months to the day after the previous issue.
>~_~< I really should've gotten it on the site a bit sooner though.
Well, it's up now, so enjoy, and I'll be working on finishing the restoration of Season 2 while we wait for Sephy to finish up the next one.
>^_^< So far, the special stories are available.
The home page has been remodeled a bit, complete with new Staff Logo. >^_^<
Some cool audio has been added to Sephiroth's Commentary, just for the heck of it.
Heh heh, whoops. *sweat drop* Uh, noticed that the pages were set to center instead of left,
so anyone with a display setting higher than 800 x 600 would be experiencing problems with the
text running into a second Sephiroth border, making light text difficult to read, so uh, fixed that.
Heh heh. >^_^<
Hello, Pink here! >^_^< Well, Season 2 Issues 1 through 6 and
Specials 1 through 3 are now posted for your reading enjoyment! >^_^<
Some minor edits have been made to the artwork pages and to the links page.
Work on the Profiles page has begun.
Hello everyone, Pink here! >^_^< Wow, a little over 12 more hours of work done, and
just about everything is up and running. The only Season that's not completely up is Season 2.
The artwork pages in the Staff section are up, the ANL Constitution is up, and the links are in.
So everything but Season 2 is all set, except for the incomplete profiles page and the fact that
the home page needs a complete makeover. We'll finish those up as soon as possible. Till then,
that's it, but it's still a lot. Go, check things out. Go on. >^_^<
Hello, Pink here! >^_^< Well, I've made a lot of progress recently on the new site.
It's still not completely ready, but it's mostly ready, so I've gone ahead and set it up anyway.
So what we've got is kind of a combination of the new site with the old.
Some of the old pages have been redone, and some are still available as they are until they are redone.
Plus, there's a whole bunch of new pages that weren't here before.
Now that everything is set up, hopefully it won't take much longer to finish what's left.
Hi! Pink here, the newest member of the ANL Staff. There hasn't been anyone to work
on the ANL website since Season 2, but the ANL has been revived as ANL Neo, and is currently
starting Season 4. I am now working to create a new site from scratch, which won't be
put up until completion. Until then, this old site will remain here, but I have corrected
the problems with it so you can check out all the old pages until the new ones are ready.
Of course, our subscribers will be receiving the current season by e-mail. If you'd like
to subscribe, e-mail us at anlneo@yahoo.com