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Asuka's Rants & Raves!

Asuka ranting

That's right! This is the place where I get to complain about... ANYTHING I FEEL LIKE! But I'll try to stick to the ANL for now... *sigh* So... here we go:
  1. Why is it that all these girls are in love with Sephiroth? I just don't get it!
  2. Sephy said he wanted Ukyo back in one issue but then right in the next one... he's all in love with the new girl Shampoo!
  3. What role does Oddichu really play? And who really loves her? I wanna know!
  4. What's up with perverse kitty cats?!
  5. Will the end of the fight between Cyber (who was firs mentioned as female but is really a male... grr...) and Cyber Kitty ever be shown?!
  6. Will Ami-chan defend her title as Writer of the Year this year?
  7. And how will she do it? By writing some sad articles??? Or Reviews?! On WHAT?!
  8. How come I'm here?! And not mentioned (I mean REALLY mentioned) in the actual ANL?!
  9. I bet you wonder why we have 2 sites for the ANL, don'tcha?
  10. Do you care why?
  11. How come Sephy has to pick on poor Shampoo's name... hair care that... hair product this... and yet he's got a fling with her? What's wrong Shampoo?! How can you take that abuse?!
  12. How did they make a lab coat for a Jigglypuff?
  13. Will Ukyo or Belldandy ever reappear....for even 1 reunion issue?
  14. Why am I the only EVA person here? I miss Nerv... (Can we get Kaji in here?)
  15. Do people actually READ the ANL?
  16. Shampoo makes the best tea!
  17. And the best ramen! (Visit the Neko Hanten!!!)
  18. What happened in Issue #12's Battle Square?!
  19. Don't you love the little Sephiroth gif we've got? Too cute!
  20. I think we need more game reviews... (Ami-chan!! Idea!)
  21. Also...more manga reviews (AMI-CHAN!!!)
  22. People need to subscribe and write more to us.
  23. We need better links too...
  24. Um...this isn't really for anyone but Sephy but... Shampoo's buggin' me and says that she's sorry for not meeting you on Friday night (aha!) and that it wasn't her fault...{Note: Upgrades were allowed for the site were made however...}
  25. I think I could possibly be annoying now... that or I'm just too tired... so I'll stop with the # thing...
  26. Isn't that great?!
  27. I forgot....Eva Production Model Unit 02 is the best Mecha (although it really isn't a mecha...) EVER!!! n_n
  28. Sephiroth brags too much
  29. He also doesn't know much about what he's talking about... ('specially when it comes to girls or EVAs...ha... dork.)
  30. Also... I wonder how Ami-chan feels about Sephy's relationship with Shampoo or all those OTHER girls he goes out with... (for shame you evil womanizer...)
  31. Sephy: You are SO going to regret letting Ami-chan write a WHOLE issue on her own... (heeheehee... you're so screwed...)
Thanks a bunch for reading this (as if you really read it...) You can respond by clicking below! Ja Ne!
Write me at: SpyGirl is Bored