Season 2, Special 5: Final Fantasy: Asuka's Quest
NOTE: This takes place directly after ANL #21 and features the EVA UNITs designed by Shinra Inc with data from the Gundams and Evangelions.
Final Fantasy: Asuka’s Quest (Battle Square Fic 2001)
Written by Sephiroth Jenova and the White Tiger
Asuka left Shinra’s Maine Lab and set out to destroy Chibi-Shamshel. This EVA was different. It stood at seven feet and was purple with black tiger stripes. To make it even better, it had two black feather wings that allowed flight. EVA UNIT 16’s only weapon was a naginata. Asuka had used the cleaving sword-stave before in kendo practice, but had never battle tested one. In her EVA 02, she’d have no problem operating it, but this purple tiger EVA had more powered armor than giant mecha.
“Hello? Asuka, EVA UNIT 16 is different than other EVAs,” Sephiroth said over the intercom.” It utilizes espers as its power source.”
“Whatever... I’m going to trash that stupid lobster!”
Asuka landed the EVA down next to Chibi-Shamshel. She raised the naginata and slammed it into Shamshel. The small angel lashed out with its tentacles and smacked EVA 16 into the ocean. Lasers cut through the air as the black cabbit spaceship Kamui revealed itself.
“We’ll fry this lobster well done, for no one can defeat the great Sephiroth. For my master is the best samurai in the world. Die angelic fool!!! I, Sentret Jenova shall destroy you,” Sentret called out from Kamui’s speakers.
“Braver!” Sephiroth leaped from Kamui slashing deeply into Shamshel. “No lobster is match for the ultimate SOLDIER,” Sephy said as slashed through Shamshel and jumped by it, making his sword flash in the sunlight.
“My turn!” Asuka commanded EVA 16 to slash Shamshel with the naginata, severing one of its tentacles. Shamshel wrapped its remaining tentacles around the EVA. Lightning crackled twice in the eerie sky. Shamshel glowed red, shook, and eventually disappeared. EVA 16 crackled with electricity and Asuka screamed.
Sephiroth adjusted nervously while looking at Asuka’s unconscious body. He bent over and kissed her on her lips. He quickly straightened up, blushing a beat red. Being slightly more adventurous, he bent over for another kiss, holding on longer than he did before. Asuka’s eyes opened and she realized what was happening and that she would be exposed if not for a thin bed sheet. She let out a scream as Sephy leaped backwards. She gathered the sheet about her breasts and panicked.
“P-pervert! What did you do to me in my sleep?! H-help!!!”
“No, Asuka-chan, I didn’t- I mean, I wouldn’t-”
“What’s going on in here?” White Tiger entered the room to see a freaked out Asuka and panicking Sephy arguing about something. He felt that he didn’t have the time for it. Hojo of Shinra Inc had informed him that another chibi-angel, one resembling the dead Sachiel, had been spotted in Tokyo. Even at their reduced size, the chibi-angels were still a threat to humanity.
“This pervert did something to me in my sleep!!!”
“I swear! I only kissed her!”
White Tiger rolled his eyes. “Listen, you two are heading for Tokyo aboard Kamui. Hojo put me in charge of this operation and, as the Leader of the West Tiger Division, I will not allow any bickering between my soldiers. Is that understood?”
Sephy sighed. It wasn’t his lucky day. His father was once again underestimating his true abilities and gave an important job to someone else. “’Kay.”
“Why are we going to Tokyo? Is there an angel there?” Asuka dressed herself behind a curtain in the hospital room. Stepping out from behind it in her plug suit, she waited for White Tiger to answer.
“The angel Sachiel, in a chibi form, has been spotted around the Dragon King Mountain. A local alien, Lum, has offered to assist us. EVA UNIT 16 is repaired, but the system can only be activated for a limited amount of time. Approximately ten minutes after activation, it will shut down and can be refueled once on board Kamui. We leave immediately.”
Eva 16 descended from Kamui and landed on the ground outside a Shinto temple of the dragon god. Lum, Sakura, and Sephy were studying a chart. Sachiel was a green angel with a particle weapon and some odd sort of hammer-powered arm that could deliver massive damage to anything. Sakura grabbed a spirit wand and faced away from the temple. She could sense an evil power coming.
“What is it?” Sephy pulled out his Masamune and waited.
“It couldn’t be that bad, d’tcha.” Lum started feeling an odd energy surge though her. It wasn’t that time of month, but she felt something odd growing in her... The power of the cosmos flowed around her like a mystical veil revealing only darkness.
The angel Sachiel rolled out of the bushes and fired several particle beams into the woods. The area exploded in bright red flames as a girl jumped out of the inferno. She was dressed in a red dress with some sort of yin yang on it. Her eyes glowed green as her brown hair in two loops leading into ponytails danced wildly in front of the flames. She was wielding an odd sort of sword with an ax handle.
“Kawaii! She’s beautiful... and... and... not wearing a bra!!!” Gatomon suddenly appeared at Sephy’s feet with heart eyes.
“What the Hell?! Kamui, beam the cat back up!” Sephy commanded Kamui as the perverted cat digimon disappeared in green light.
“In the name of love I will destroy you, fetid demon of the darkness not even the moonlight reaches... I am the 108th generational devil hunter, Yohko Mono!”
“This isn’t a devil! It’s an angel! What a fool... I, Asuka Langely Shoryu, the second child, will destroy this angel!”
“What?! This is a D-E-M-O-N! Not an angel! Look at it!” Yohko and Asuka stared at each other with shear determination to out do the other. As they bickered, a set of glowing black eyes advanced from the inflamed temple.
“Ah!!! The temple’s on fire!” Sakura screamed as she tried to stamp out the raging inferno with her sandals. Lum felt her heart beat growing faster and faster as the creature approached. She walked towards it.
“Lum! Don’t!” Sephy watched in horror as Lum walked into the flames. A seven-foot tall golden version of the Shen Lon gundam jumped out of the burning temple with blazing black eyes. It latched onto Saciel’s head and squeezed. The angel screamed out in horror as it felt its energy sphere cracking.
“No way I’m going to let you win this one, freak!” Asuka took a step towards the gundam as its power went out. “Damn it! Not now...”
Yohko laughed. “That’s what a cocky little girl gets.” Yohko got her first real glance of Sephy. “Wow! What a hot guy!” Heart eyes appeared on her face as she happily advanced towards the innocent psycho killer.
The gundam let out a fire blast from its dragon mouth arm on Sachiel and tossed the angel away. Three red spheres swirled around the mecha as the dragon king, Bahumat, descended from Heaven and annihilated Sachiel with his Mega Flare attack.
“Well, thank you, strange dragon thing.” Sephy blinked as he looked at the mecha. He took a few steps towards it as Yohko lunged for him and fell on the ground. Meanwhile, Kamui had beamed aboard EVA 16.
“It wasn’t that hard, d’tcha.” Lum was apparently inside the mecha. On closer examination, it had EVA 17 written on it.
“Ah... Hey! White Tiger! We’ve found another EVA! Hey, Lum, looks like you’ll be joining us. Um... if you co-operate, I’ll... hook you up on a date with Ataru.” Sephy winked.
“Okay! I’ll destroy any angel you want, d’tcha!”
“I’m coming, too!!!” Yohko looked insistent on going off with this hunk she had just met. Inside her head, she was hatching a plot to finally get some.
“Well... more the merrier!” Sephy laughed. Then Sakura and Lum laughed. Yohko laughed. Sephy and Sakura stopped laughing. Lum stopped laughing. Sephy started laughing. Then, everyone started laughing and ceasing and starting up again at sporadic intervals. White Tiger and Asuka beamed down.
“What the Hell?! We’ve got business to do.” Everyone stopped laughing. “I did some research on both Lum and Yohko and I believe that they’ll be useful to us. Now, I am White Tiger, an anthropomorphic Siberian tiger and leader of the West Tiger Division. After I give diagnostics, we’ll proceed to Germany and attempt to defeat Ramiel, another chibi angel.
“EVA UNIT 17 is similar to EVA 16 in schematics. However, there seems to be some odd sort of power source running through it. We have not been able to identify it, but my personal theory is that it has something to do with the magicite power in magitek armor. Due to the powers of the esper Bahumat, EVA 17 is less likely to stop functioning in battle.” Asuka fought back a tear as she realized that she was useless in comparison to Lum. “However, I feel that Asuka is the only pilot suited to handle a long pitched battle. Hojo has communicated that it will be impossible to switch pilots, so Asuka will still have to use EVA 16.
“Miss Mono here is a devil hunter and she may come in use. She has her should sword to help her and she will serve as back up with Sephiroth as back up. We will now head to Germany.”
Asuka was born in Germany. Her mother committed died there. She honestly felt that she did not want to ever go back there. She had to. If she didn’t out-perform these rivals, her true love would be lost to her forever. Asuka Langely Shoryu would have to put up a stiff upper lip and face her homeland again.
As they entered the scary castle, Sephy and Yohko walked in first being followed by the two EVAs. Ramiel took no time in showing himself.
“Ah... so the noble heroes of SHINRA Inc have finally come? Not like NERV what-so-ever. I might be in trouble,” Ramiel laughed.
“Y-you talk? Since when do angels talk?!” Asuka was shocked.
“You see, we’ll be the ones that inherent the earth, not you humans.”
“I’m an ancient, you angelic scum! I’ll inherent the earth. Your cowardly ancestors hid while we faced our destiny... as soon as I find the Promised Land, you’ll die,” Sephy said as flashbacks of Nibelheim floated to his sight. Asuka lunged at Ramiel with the naginata. Ramiel dodged and blasted the EVA far away, out the window into the distant horizon. “Asuka-chan!!! ...bastard...”
“Sephy, you still have me,” Yohko pleaded.
“Asuka, d’tcha!!!”
Sephy glowed with a silver aura as armor formed around him and his Masamune. After the transformation, he resembled Escaflowne. The markings on its arm identified it as EVA UNIT 18. He quickly slashed away at Ramiel as the red spheres appeared and swirled around him. Alexander, the holy knight, rose from the ground and attacked in full force with the Judgment attack. Ramiel was shattered by the dual white lasers.
“Asuka-chan...” Sephy positioned his EVA at the window.
Asuka was in the middle of a snowfield. “How odd... it’s summer. Unless...” Asuka gasped. She looked at the terrain. She was in northern Norway. EVA 16 seemed to be functioning properly. According to her knowledge of science, batteries last longer in the cold and, fortunately, her machine wasn’t affected by the extreme cold conditions. Asuka tossed the now broken naginata and walked for what seemed hours in the gently falling snow. If her life wasn’t in danger, she’d actually be enjoying the serene scenery. Night was starting to set and the EVA powered armor ran out of energy. Falling to its knees as the power slowly drained out of it, Asuka faintly smiled and blacked out.
Her eyes slowly opened. She was in a bed in what seemed to be a cabin. A fire blazed in a large fireplace. An old man with long silver hair was sitting in front of it. Asuka could almost make out a mural above the fireplace with a spear hanging below it. Her eyes once again went to the mysterious man.
“Sephiroth? Is that you? Where... are we?” Asuka was still a little dizzy from having passed out and her words were no more than whispers.
“Child, rest... You’ve come from a long way away. No, I am not the man you call Sephiroth. My name is Odin.” The man smiled as she drifted off to sleep. When she finally awoke, the man handed her some soup. It was tasty, but Asuka was confused.
“You’re Odin? As in the Norse Aesir god?”
“I am known as that. My powers as an esper are legendary and I’m here to help you.”
“Why me?”
“You are the chosen child of the covenant. Your armor is without power and my power as a magicite will fuel it.”
“Magicite...” Asuka had listened to Locke and Sephy debate the legendary powers of magitek armor and the powers of the espers. Espers became magicite when they died, their left over energy in the form of magicite gave power to whomever wielded it. “Does that mean you have to die?”
“Yes, my child, and that will happen soon. As we speak, the angel Gaghiel is approaching. Do not fear, my child, for the silver haired soldier will come soon in his own suit of armor. Come outside and see for yourself.”
Asuka ventured outside. Even with the environmental adjustments in her plug suit (care of Hojo), she was still cold. She noticed a large and demonic whale crashing through the ice towards the sea side cabin. Her EVA 16 came to life. She felt sorry for the man who helped her heal herself, but this was necessary to save the entire world. Odin faded away into the stone called magicite and fused with the armor. Asuka stepped into the armor that opened itself up for her and faced the beast. Out of the cabin, the spear floated to her hands.
“As one last gift... I give you my spear, Gungir.”
Asuka jumped from the shore and let the black feather wings stretch to the sky as she flew towards her opponent with death on her mind. Gaghiel bit at EVA 16 to no avail as it flew up high and threw the spear through his throat. The angel whale fell into the depths of the ocean to his mortal decay.
Kamui, black interstellar space cabbit, descended from some clouds and Sephy announced to Asuka over the loud speaker. “Asuka! We’re so glad that we’ve finally found you... It’s been three months, but we’re so glad to finally see you again. Who’d have suspected that you’d be at the North Pole?”
Asuka shuddered. “N-north Pole?!” She gulped. Apparently, her plug suit was better equipped than she had suspected. She quickly boarded Kamui.
“Asuka, to get you up to speed, Sephiroth has found another EVA UNIT, number 18. Alexander seems to be powering it. ...Asuka. That lance is the fabled Gungir,” White Tiger said as he spontaneously changed into the suave treasure hunter. “Odin’s sacred lance. It has been said that when thrown to the ground, wars erupt from that point.”
“He gave it to me.”
“Who did?”
Sephy pulled out a sense materia. He walked over to the purple tiger EVA and activated the sphere. “O blessed energy of the Ancients... Identify this power!” A magical image of Odin filled the room and vanished. “The legendary king of the gods, eh?”
“Asuka... how did this happen?”
“He took care of me after I blacked out. He was a nice man and gave me lots of soup to get better. But... he died to give my EVA the power to defeat Gaghiel,” Asuka’s demeanor sank.
“He must have taken care of you for the entire two months. Asuka, you are truly lucky to have come across him.”
Stonehenge was an ancestral place to Sephiroth. He was proud of the massive calendar created by the long dead society. It was here that they thought another angel and another EVA were. The three EVAs and Yohko proceeded into the middle of the standing stones. A voice familiar to Asuka spoke up.
“Congratulations on finding this spot, but I’m afraid that you’ll have to die here. I am Tabris, the 17th angel. Asuka, I sense you in that heap of junk. How have you been?” A demonic smile leapt to his lips. “Three against one is hardly fair, shadow EVAs, arise!” He threw his right fist into the air as three chibi shadowy versions of EVA 02 rose out of the ground.
“Sephy, you take the one on the right. Alien, grab the one on the left. Hunter girl, you get the middle one. I’m going for the leader.”
“I have a name, d’tcha!”
“H-hunter girl?! And who are you to give orders? I’m only going to take orders from that hunk, Sephiroth.” EVA 18 had a sweat drop as it hacked into its rival with the great sword. Yohko suddenly had heart eyes. “Anything for my Sephy! Soul of my spirit, arise!” She started hacking wildly at the shadow 02. Lum was preoccupied with blasting the Hell out of her enemy with the lightning attack from the Shen Lon copy.
Asuka simply smiled. “Hey Angel Boy! This is for taking my EVA way back when! Spirit of my protector, Odin!” The three red orbs floated around Asuka and spun as the clouds gathered and lightning struck around the battle field. Odin stood on a high cliff with his eight-legged horse, Sephiner. He threw his gargantuan spear through Tabris and vanished. The three shadow golems faded away as Tabris fell to the ground. A smile was still spread on his lips. Asuka piloted her EVA over his body and kicked him. “And what the Hell’s so funny?!”
“I’ll get you... Asu...ka... So..r..yu...” He shot out a beam of red energy that missed Asuka completely and blazed towards Yohko, striking her and passing through her. Tears flew from her enlarged eyes as she hit the ground. Tabris exploded into ashes.
Sephy, Asuka, and Lum jumped out of their EVAs and ran to Yohko’s side. “I guess I die a virgin,” she said as a faint smile touched her lips.
Asuka turned towards Sephy. “Do something!” Tears flooded her vision as she clung to her dying comrade.
“Well,” Sephy started as a sweat drop slid down his forehead. “I guess I could... um... ‘violate’ her in her last moments...”
“You idiot! I meant magic! You have that stupid magic shit, now use it for once!”
“Angels lend us your blessed wings as we resurrect this poor dying child of the Earth goddess... Raise2!” A beam of light fell on Yohko, but nothing happened. Sephy pressed his hands together in prayer. “O spirits of my ancestors, rise forth and protect this scourge of the demon world...” Carbunkle, the faerie bunny esper approached them.
“Denizens of the world, I am Carbunkle. Yohko Mono led a full life of demon slaying and now she lies dying. This is fate.”
“You dumb bunny, d’tcha!!!” Lum let out a lightning blast that Carbunkle quickly reflected back at the oni shocking her. Lum let out a scream.
Asuka wiped a few tears out of her eyes. “That’s it... Lum, we’ll shock her back to life.” Lum didn’t waste any time in electrocuting everyone in the area.
A severely singed Carbunkle spit out a charred breath. “T-that was a little more than necessary.” He pressed the ruby in his forehead against Yohko’s breasts. Asuka recoiled in shock.
“Silence, mortal.” Carbunkle kissed Yohko on the lips as she slowly started to revive.
Yohko let out a scream. “What did you let that bunny do to me in my sleep?!”
“...he brought you back to life,” Sephy finally spoke up. He was growing very irritated by all of this non-sense.
Yohko blinked. “Um... thank you, Mr. Bunny.”
“You may call me Carbunkle,” the esper blushed. “Now, you can have a modified EVA, too.” Carbunkle transformed into a green bunny EVA with a laser cannon and Yohko transported inside. “The next opponent, Israfel, is in Greece. Go.” The four pilots blinked. “I meant now,” the EVA sighed.
Locke jumped through the last of the traps inside the inner caverns of Mount Olympus. “Feels like the good ol’ days.”
“Enough of that, look.” Sephy pointed with his sword at a red and a white angel attacking a fiery bird.
“Ooooo! Moltres! Or maybe Ho-oh!” Purin screamed as he ran full force at the angels.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Sephy lunged with the monstrous great sword slashing back the white angel as Purin fried the other with fire blast. “Hey, Locke, what’cha think?”
“ out!” Asuka attacked the red downed angel with Gungir. “These angels are one in the same. You have to kill both at the exact same time.”
“All right! Carbunkle, let’s see how this works!” Yohko shot several rounds into the white Israfel. “Guardian force Carbunkle!” The bunny appeared and cast a wall on the heroes. “What? Is that it?”
“Heh... while they’re distracted... Hey, Phoenix! I, Locke the world’s premier treasure hunter, will capture you.” Locke jumped in front of the bird.
“You’re going to capture me? I feel that that’s unlikely. Your eyes... are clear... you may inherent my power.”
“What? though from some drool Monster Rancher cartoon...” Phoenix turned into a orange EVA with fiery wings with Locke inside. The markings noted it as EVA UNIT 20. “Did anyone else realize that Enter Violent Angel Ultimate Nominal Intelligence Transport literally means ‘join the ultimate tiny intellect of the violent angels?’”
“Enough of that! We have to kill these bastards!” Sephy cut down the orange Israfel for the twelfth time. It regenerated just as Yohko let several more rounds into its twin.
“If we summon our espers all at the same time, we might be golden. After all, a full magicite attack is focused on the area and not the combatants,” Locke said as he powered up his EVA.
“I’m not magicite!!!” Carbunkle overpowered EVA 19’s systems and shot several hard shots into the white Israfel. Yohko was stunned.
“Hey! This is mine!”
Sephiroth summoned the red orbs simultaneously with Asuka summoning hers. Yohko and Carbunkle released their summon while Locke faded away as the legendary phoenix blazed into the cavern. Lum’s EVA glowed as Bahumat appeared. The five espers proceeded to launch a full out attack on the two angels. The two Israfels were molded together and Purin promptly ran a stick through them, shattering them into particles.
“...a stick is a stupid weapon,” Sephy sighed.
“I’m the only cute critter around here!” Carbunkle kicked Purin through the hole in the ceiling and into a star ping.
“Looks like team jiggly’s blasting off again!!!” Purin faded out with an entirely too satisfying ping.
“Well, we haven’t heard that cliché for awhile.” Sephy hopped out of his armor and picked up a piece of paper that Israfel dropped. “’Super fun party to destroy NERV and Shinra! Invite your friends! Meet Ramiel, the Octahedron of DOOM, in Jerusalem for further information.’ Hm... let’s go there.”
After a few minutes on Kamui, they reached the shores of Jerusalem. Piccolo was engaged in a fight with Ramiel. Laser beams and kamehamehas flew about as the two alien freaks went at it.
“Kamui has detected that Ramiel was able to regenerate ‘cause someone forgot to destroy Ramiel’s power core,” Gatomon announced as he glanced over several different screens. “If that core isn’t destroyed, the angels will continue to regenerate. Opening bay doors! Proceed to attack!”
“Who voted to put the perverted cat on command duty?” Locke launched with his fiery wings descending onto Ramiel with EVA 20’s fiery claw weapons. Asuka flew around the area and threw her spear through the eight-sided angel. Sephy, Lum, and Yohko landed their EVA UNITs on the beach.
Shamshel immediately wrapped its laser tentacles around the body of EVA 19. Yohko let out a scream. “I H-A-T-E TENTACLES!!!” Turning around as much as she could, she raised the cannon up to Shamshel’s core. The angel watched in horror as its precious core was blasted into thousands of shards. Shortly after the core was destroyed, Shamshel turned into dust. “That’s what you get for messing with Yohko Mono, the world’s premier treasure hunter!”
“’re a devil hunter, though.” Carbunkle felt a sweat drop slide down his fur underneath his hot armor.
“I thought that if I became a treasure hunter that that cute guy, Locke, would ask me out on a date!”
“Attention: approaching from what seems to be twelve-hundred meters at sea is a gigantic whale! Kamui has identified it as Gaghiel. He is not a chibi-angel, repeat, he is NOT a chibi-angel,” Gatomon announced over the loud speakers.
“Bravo, Mr. Gatomon. Not all of us are chibi. I’m back, and this time, I’ve got a real EVA.” Tabris ran into the scene wielding a katana. “Kuno, let’s show them what we’ve got!”
“For the pig tailed girl!!!” Kuno ran in with what seemed to be a large suit of samurai armor waving about a rather large katana.
“Keep in mind that these suits are more like EVAs, even though they apparently contain some data sequences from Gundams. However, if you lose an arm, you seriously lose an arm. Their smaller size seems to limit their ability to protect the pilot. Kuno doesn’t seem to be under any kind of mind control...”
A brilliant idea came to Sephy’s head. He rushed to the cold ocean waters and jumped in, EVA and all. Coming out of the water, he was now Seanma girl-type. “Hey Kuno!”
Yohko was shocked. “Wh-wh-what?! Sephy?!”
“Pig-tailed girl? What are you doing here?” Kuno was confused.
“These mean angels were trying to hurt me. Are you going to let them, my darling Kuno?” Sephy was having fun coyly calling out to the dumb Kuno.
“NEVER!” Kuno quickly cut down Tabris and turned towards Ramiel. “Ultimate-tetra-Ramuh-Ifrit-Shiva!” The red orbs floated around Kuno as the espers of lightning, fire, and ice materialized and blasted Ramiel with Judgment Bolt, Hell’s Inferno, and Diamond Dust.
“Oh no... not again...” Ramiel exploded in a prism of colors.
Piccolo walked over to Kuno’s EVA 21 and punched it, sending it flying back twenty feet.
“Naive! For what foolish purpose did that serve?!”
“Don’t interfere next time.”
“Ah! Gaghiel’s here!” Gatomon watched in horror as the monstrous whale rose out of the sea.
“Well, just call me Ishmael and toss me a spear, we’re going whaling!” Seanma watched as the whale came rapidly towards the beach.
“No. He’s mine.” Piccolo let out a scream as he transformed into an armored sea serpent with two arms that ended in what seemed to be a cannon with three claws on each hand. He raced towards the gargantuan whale with the setting sun. Two red beams flew from his hands hitting the angel hard.
“...that’s EVA UNIT 22. I remember seeing the blueprints for it. It’s irregular due to the fact that it was designed after Leviathan,” Sephy commented.
“God of Chaos, wipe this world clean with your waves!” Red orbs swirled around Piccolo as Leviathan rose up from the seas and threw the whale into the sun.
“That was different,” Asuka remarked. She turned her EVA when she heard two figures clapping. She instantly recognized Hojo and Gendo Ikari.
“Bravo, second child,” Hojo said as he smiled. In his hands were a few scrolls.
“If it wasn’t for you distracting SEELE, we’d never have been able to locate and capture the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, your usefulness has ended,” Gendo glared apathetically as EVA 01 and a SEELE EVA appeared behind the two scientists in all their glory. “Shinji, destroy the second child. Kawarou, annihilate the rest. Then, destroy the city. Leave no witnesses.”
Sephy recoiled in horror as he jumped into the heated sea from Gaghiel’s blood. “That was nasty... as for this, the Dead Sea Scrolls have clearly taken a hold on their minds.”
‘Shinji, how could you?’ Millions upon millions of thoughts raced through Asuka’s mind. She felt betrayed and weak and alone. If she had her EVA 02, she felt that she could incapacitate Shinji and destroy Tabris once and for all.
“You didn’t think that I’d let you actually kill the fabulous Tabris, did you, Second Child?”
“Wow. I guess I do die a virgin.”
“Huh,” Gatomon announced not realizing that he was still on the intercom.
“Great, we’re all about to be crushed and you just say ‘huh,’” Sephy became flustered as he spoke.
“No... Kamui’s picking up an energy reaction from the EVA UNITs. He detects that there is another power source other than the magicite.”
“...Mama...” Asuka was crying. She had never before been so close to death. A golden orb rose from each of the EVAs. On them were varying numbers of red stars. They swirled and EVA 02 emerged from the sea. Asuka was magically transported into the entry plug and found that the EVA was carrying the spear of Longinus. The six EVA UNITs merged into a full-sized golden EVA with tiger claws on the wrists. Sephy was the pilot, and the other six pilots found themselves aboard Kamui.
“Two on two is more fair,” Sephy grinned as he realized the new situation. He sized up his opponents. EVA 01 was wielding an EVA rifle and Tabris’s EVA had a simple spear.
“DIE YOU ANGEL FREAK!!!” Asuka launched an all out attack on Tabris slashing wildly.
“...she’s disturbed,” Gatomon noted as EVA 02 and the SEELE EVA parried each other’s moves with skill and determination. “Must be the Gundam programming in EVA UNIT 16. Designed to make anyone into a perfect warrior, it has the malfunction of making them mildly psychotic.”
Sephy and Shinji stood facing each other with grim determination. Shinji let out one shot, felling Sephy’s EVA. Before he could react, Sephy’s EVA launched the tiger claws from the wrists, mortally wounding Shinji’s EVA mere moments after Sephy’s EVA collapsed. Asuka’s vision was flooded with tears. Before her eyes, she watched in trepidation as two friends fall to the ground mortally wounded.
“...Shinji-kun... Sephy-kun...” Asuka screamed in fury as she launched the Lance of Longinus through Tabris’s EVA and entry plug.
“He won’t be coming back again,” Hojo noted. “A direct attack to an angel with the Lance of Longinus is extremely fatal. As for our sons... rather, son, he should be fine.” Hojo laughed.
Gatomon teleported in front of the two scientists. “What do you mean by that?! Sephy and Shinji are one in the same?!”
Gendo adjusted his glasses. “You see, before second impact, Hojo and I combined our DNA enhanced by Jenova and inserted our semen into my wife. However, two years afterwards, an unsuspected event occurred.
“Hojo and I were testing his life functions when it happened. A stray ion laser went haywire and hit young Shinji with a incredibly concentrated beam. I watched in terror as flames burst around my son. We thought that he had no chance for survival. Amazingly, he survived. However, there were two children now. The stronger looking one was Sephiroth, who was destined to be a great warrior. The other was Shinji, who was physically weaker but spiritually enhanced. Asuka Langley Shoryu is the only one who comes even remotely close to his spiritual potential. Hence forth why they became EVA pilots.
“Unlike the institution SOLDIER, NERV requires high spiritual concentration. The three magi are powered with Ritsuko’s mother’s personality. The EVAs also work like this, making it necessary to use people with higher spiritual force than normal. If you might have noticed, Sephiroth uses magicite and materia which are not his powers, but the powers of others who have since left this plane of existence.”
“The EVA UNITs 16 through 23 are made by combining the mental enhancing abilities of the Gundams with the spiritually enhancing properties of magicite. I made them several years ago,” Hojo smiled. “As you may have noticed, I placed them about the world for you to find. EVA UNIT 16 was the only EVA not to have magicite, but apparently that has also changed. As you have noticed, they are powered by the dragon balls. This was to assure that when the EVA UNITs were gathered together that the ultimate Evangelion would be summoned. Sephiroth has the brute force and the tactics to use it, yet he failed in mere seconds. Once he is combined with Shinji once again, they will become the ultimate fighter.”
“That doesn’t make sense... Sephiroth is several years older than Shinji.” Gatomon let lightning crackle around his paws to assure that the scientists weren’t hatching some insidious plot.
“As you may know, I am of the Final Fantasy continuum. A type of... alternate realities for earth. Ever play Chrono Cross? It is very much like that. The only catch is that Sephiroth is a true Chrono Cross, unlike Serge. He existed at four parallel continuums at once. He is the martial artist who looks remarkably like Ranma, the ultimate SOLDIER, a actor-thief cat boy with a flare for romance, and the pilot of EVA 01. We all have parallels in these different continuums that is existence. It is only the year 2001 and we are using EVAs. Don’t you find that unusual? No, I suppose not. We might all be controlled by Mujari the dream demon, yet I suppose not. If we were, we’d all be in Lum’s dream. Besides, I checked.”
“Hojo and I have known about this for quite some time now. However, if we do not merge Shinji and Sephiroth right now, the final angel will be here.”
“Final angel?” Locke beamed down from Kamui. “Who is this final angel?”
“Gendo, the SOLDIER unit has recovered both Shinji and Sephiroth. They also have Asuka in their custody.”
“Then let the ritual begin... As this spell is delicate, I cannot speak any other words than the words in the spell. As it cannot be read in its current form, it will be reprinted in our modern form on my own body.”
“Stop that,” Hojo said as he smacked Gendo upside the head. The two scientists, Locke, and Gatomon walked over to the three EVA pilots. Asuka was being restrained by two very large members of SOLDIER. Unfurling the Dead Sea Scrolls, the two scientists chanted over their unconscious sons. Red, blue, green, gold, and black light swirled over their bodies as Shinji and Sephiroth became the same person. He was still Sephy’s body, though.
“Shinji... Sephiroth... you are the same person. Your emotions, memory, and life are now connected.” Gendo helped him to his feet. “You can switch back and forth freely when you figure out how. Now... get in that EVA and destroy Kefka.”
“Sephiroth,” Hojo said as he gently placed his hand on Sephy’s shoulder. “You have to do this. Otherwise the world...”
“So, kill the angel, get the girl, yeah, yeah... Whatever.”
“How... unexpected.” Hojo took out a clip board and jotted down a few notes. “The merge seems to have made him rude to me.”
“No, he’s always like that,” Gatomon commented. “Now! This battle is being turned to me, Gatomon Kisaragi! Sephy and Asuka are to immediately report to their EVAs and attack Kefka, the 19th Angel! Unit 01 will be returned to base.”
Sephy and Asuka stood facing Kefka in his ultimate angel form. The Angel grinned evilly as he stared at the two EVAs. Asuka took the Lance of Longinus and charged. The angel dodged with surprising agility. A blue dome expanded towards the battle field as Sephy noticed.
“AT Fields engaged!” The ultima spell hit Gold EVA with little affect. The AT field deflected the entire force of the attack. Kefka smirked.
“Die you freeeeaaaaaaak!!!” Asuka slammed the angel with the spear, bringing it in a full arc. Kefka went spiraling into a mountain. She stepped on Kefka as a sword came to his hand. Sephy rushed over and drove Gold EVA’s claws into Kefka’s sword arm, thus disabling it. As soon as Sephy retracted the claws, Kefka regenerated and slashed off one of Gold EVA’s arms. Gold EVA, being the Ultimate Evangelion, fell back and quickly regenerated.
“Asuka, this will never work,” Sephy said over the small pop up screen in EVA 02. “Even with two EVAs, we’re just more spread out. Remember the Israfel battle? We needed to strike the demon at the same time, and this is no different. Unless both of our powers can hit Kefka at once, we have no hope of winning.”
“Then what do you suppose we should do?! Ask him to stand still? Shinji, you moron, we don’t have time for that!”
“This thing is powered by the dragon balls, so I’m going to make a wish,” Sephy said as he ejected his plug.
“Attention Gold EVA, please reinsert plug. Repeat, Gold EVA, insert your plug now!” Gatomon piloted Kamui around trying to grab Sephy’s attention.
“O great dragon god, Shen Lon, please grant my eternal wish...” The sky turned black as golden rays erupted from one spot in the clouds as the ancient dragon king spiraled down. “Grant Asuka’s EVA 02 the mighty powers of the ultimate Evangelion!”
“Your wish is granted.” The dragon king’s eyes glowed as the dragon balls separated and spread once again through the world. Gold EVA exploded as EVA 02 was surround in golden dust and Asuka felt a new power grow inside her. Sephiroth jumped before the explosion into the Tiger Special. Asuka was alone in the battle.
“Bwa ha ha... I shall construct a shrine to HATE on your dead body...” Kefka knocked EVA 02 to the ground and started applying pressure to its face.
Ignoring the pain as sweat slid down her face, Asuka smiled. “How about this?” Several large pins shot out of 02’s shoulders, burying into Kefka’s face. The angel fell backwards, clutching his face in pain. Picking up the Lance of Longinus, she thrust it through Kefka and flung his corpse and the spear into the sun.
“Damn it!” Gendo cursed. “That’s the second time this week we’ve lost the Lance of Longinus!”
“Well, I’m not getting it this time,” Hojo commented.
In the hospital, Asuka was making a swift recovery. “Why the Hell did you do that, Shinji?! Leaving me to finish the threat just ‘cuz you’re not MAN enough to do it... At least the great Asuka has saved the world once again!”
“I’m sorry,” Shinji apologized. “I knew that I couldn’t handle it and turned it over to you.”
“Ha! Well, little boy, you should’ve known from the beginning that only the great Asuka could’ve defeated the angel.”
“Sephy! You promised to take my virginity,” Yohko whined.
“And what about my date with darling, d’tcha?!” Lum crackled with electricity.
“Where is this alleged treasure, anyway?!” Locke pointed a knife at Shinji.
“O pig-tailed girl? Where are you? You need not fear the affection of I, Tatewaki Kuno,” he said as he searched up and down the hospital.
“Gentle Shiori, did you see anything?” Purin looked at the rather slow nurse.
“Well... let me think... I’ve been here alllll daaaayyy and I haaaven’t seen a thiing....” She said after a few hundred moments of thought. Sephy, meanwhile jumped out the window.
“Shinji?! Get back here!” Asuka was furious. “Hmph. Sure shows you who the greatest Battle Square Superstar is...”
“They’ll make a good couple,” Gendo laughed.