Season 2, Issue 21
Animé News Letter
Season 2, Issue 21
Editor/Reviews/Battle Square: Sephiroth/Seanma/Zidane
Tea Wench/Rumiko Takahashi Correspondent/Tripod Webmistress: Shampoo/Asuka
Lowly Reporter/Asst. Editor: Purin/Bryoga/Eevee/Jiggleevee/Kyusaku
Article Writer/Asst. Editor: HentaiGatomon
Engineer/Limited Goddess, 2nd class/Cocoa Wench: Skuld
Secret Police/Walking Data Base: Cyber Kitty/=^o^=
Bounty Hunter: Fujikuro/Zell Dinct
Sent to: Erika Lt./Lum/Ifurita, Jake, Mr. Saotoby, Happodan/Dr. Tofu, "The ex-Secretary", Ami-chan, Melancholy, Ranma, Aly/Mimi/Raisin, Kaitou Ace, Lucifer Morningstar, Neo “Genesis”, Am0s M0ses, Makato/Oddichu/Akiko, Lain The Typhoon, Mikon/Moko-ohki/evil cold cabbit, Ferio, Hojo, Ice Dragon #74, Vegeta’s in Maine, Jadeite, Deedlit, Little~Sasami, Locke/White Tiger, Xellos, Sailor Kaoss, Ewok/Fabulous Techie #3/Yoda/Communist Dancing Bear, Chibi Chibi Usa, Neptunelover, Mini-Moon, April-chan, Toranize, Rinoa
Subscribers in: Maine 13, California 2, Texas 4, Georgia 2, Colorado 1, NY 1, Missouri 2, Virginia 1, Illinois 1, Maryland 1, Washington 1, Idaho 1, Tokyo 100 (Japan), and ??? 2
If you know anyone who wants this, contact us at
Dear Reader,
Please excuse the lateness of us doing anything. The end of the school year has once again snuck up on us and some of us had to put considerable time into either graduating or studying for finals. Unlike Sailor Moon, we want to progress past junior high... Unlike Tenchi, getting past high school is a good thing... Unlike all those hopeless college students, we want to (and WILL graduate from college). Don’t worry, we’ll still bring you the best we’ve got! To make up for it, we have a very special Battle Square! We’ve also decided to take you to the foreign land of Maine in honor of the most highly concentrated group of subscribers (Maine is where over one third of subscribers to the ANL are from). The forms for the Animé Awards Night should be coming out soon.
Movie Review: Dagger of Kamui
Sephy: ***** Gatomon: **** Skuld: *****
When Kenshin was out as the Batokiri, ninja worked behind the scenes to help bring about or to prevent the Meiji era. Jiro lived a normal life until a ninja killed his foster mother and sister and he was blamed. Jiro then sets out on a quest to become a ninja (after being trained by an evil ninja disguised as a monk) and sets out to find the treasure of Billy the Kid and his real family. This is actually a classic anime made during the dawn of modern anime and features plot devices used in more recent movies such as Wrath of the Ninja and Ninja Scroll. The plot twists alone make the movie worth it and makes you hunger for more.
Note: Kenshin doesn’t appear in this movie and isn’t mentioned what so ever. Even without Kenshin, this movie is perhaps one of the best anime around.
Series Review: Here is Greenwood
Sephy: **** Gatomon: **** (minus two for Shun) Skuld: *****
Kazuya missed his first two months of high school (which is an entirely male campus). Why, you ask? His brother (the school’s nurse) married Kazuya’s first true love, and that made him develop an ulcer. Upon reaching high school and enrolling in a dorm called Greenwood, he finds the strangest dorm mates. One is a member of a religious cult (well... in Japan it’s a cult), a guy who lives with his motorcycle, the dorm president who’s a monk’s adopted son, and the student council president who has hidden spiritual powers and a gangster sister. As for Kazuya’s roommate... she’s a girl named Shun. How will Kazuya ever survive with the dread secret that his roommate is a girl?! Here is Greenwood doesn’t take itself seriously most of the time, and even when it does... it doesn’t. The six episode epic has ghosts, psycho gangsters, romance, and the making of the epic movie “Here is Devilwood.” It’s great for laughs and will shock and surprise you.
*~*Trivia Questions*~*- (answers after Battle Square Neo)
In “Here is Greenwood,” which popular anime celebrity makes a cameo appearance on a poster?
In “Project A-Ko,” what do the spaceships fire when attacking the huge space fortress?
BATTLE SQUARE NEO (with authentic Mainer Dialect!)
Sephy: Ah... Ba Haba in the summa... (trans: Ah... Bar Harbor in the summer...)
Skuld: What the Heck?! I didn’t understand a word of that...
Asuka: *giggles profusely* Kawaii! (trans: How cute!)
Cyber Kitty: That was Mainer talk, Sephiroth and Purin are both from around here.
Purin: Except I’m not a freak!!!
Sephy: Woah, there, bub. (trans: Who the Hell are you to talk?!)
Purin: Oh yeah?! Wanna fight?! *pulls out an odd mecha orb ball thingy*
Skuld: Hey! That’s mine! *struggles to take it back from Purin and eventually hits him with a mallet and steals it back*
Sephy: Now ‘eres a wicked *pronounced: whiic-ked* good one. *pulls out a large demon mallet*
CK: Fight!
Purin: *jumps back and glows*
Sephy: *swings the mallet and sends Super Saiyan Jiggleevee flying as he transforms* What a piece a junk *pronounced: jank*... (trans: You’re pathetic)
Asuka: *points to an odd creature coming out of the sea* What’s that?!
CK: Cyber Kitty Analysis mode engaged! Chibi-Shamshel- a smaller version (although six feet tall) of the angel that Shinji Ikari destroyed. It is a lobster type monster with laser tentacles.
Sephy: Now there’s some wicked good lobstah! (trans: My, I think that I shall dine upon that lobster tonight. Asuka, my dear, would you care to join me?) *holds Asuka’s hands*
Asuka: *blinks* What..?
Ewok: *throws a spear at Chibi Shamshel* Take that!!!
CS: *warbles incoherently and thwacks Ewok*
Asuka: It’s Mr. Saotoby!!!
Saotoby: Ha ha, no need to fear, Saotoby and Pen Pen are here!
Pen Pen: *strikes battle stance*
Sephy: Ultimate-Maina-Wicked-Good-Technique- Penguin!!! *hurls Pen Pen at Chibi-Shamshel and stuns it*
CS: *warbles and knocks Pen Pen away*
CK: Just as a side note, Maine is home to a relative of the penguin called the puffin.
Puffin Squad B: *flock in and carry out the wounded Pen Pen*
PSB Lt: *jabbers in the puffin tongue: No one expects the Puffin Inquisition!!!*
PSB: *fly away to Africa*
???: Love and Beauty Shock! *zaps Shamshel* *jumps onto the beach with the other Inner Senshi* In the name of love, I will beat you, for I am Sailor Venus! *draws the victory sign across her eyes*
Mercury: In the name of the planet Mercury, I will destroy you, for I am Sailor Mercury! *clenches her fist to her heart*
Mars: And in the name of Mars, you will be vanquished, for I am Sailor Mars! *holds a spirit seal in front of her*
Jupiter: Jupiter... thunder... *sparkles the lightning around her*
CS: *smacks Jupiter into the ocean before she can attack*
Jupiter: *gives a completely unnecessary scream*
Mars: Mars... fire... sn-
CS: *smacks Mars into the ocean as well*
Mercury: *jumps into Sephy’s arms* Sephy, my one true love, help us!!!
CK: I’ll handle this... *jumps heroically in front of Chibi-Shamshel* Cyber Ray... *charges up green energy*
CS: *whips Cyber Kitty until he can no longer charge energy*
CK: ...damn...
Shampoo: Hiya... Seanma defeat evil lobster now?
CS: *smacks Sephy into a wall*
Shampoo: Hiya... even Sephy not able to defeat evil lobster man...
???: Is this the end of the ANL crew? Will we be forever stuck in Maine (Sephy: Hell no!)? Where did Chibi-Shamshel come from? Is this just another elaborate ANL plot?
Gatomon: No!!! Stupid fools! All he’s doing is smacking you away before you can carry out your over elaborate dances that turn into attacks!!!
???: Stayed tune for the Pokérap!
Gatomon: Okuhida Hurricane!!! *a hurricane of panties surround the mysterious narrator* Pervert punch!!! *slams him into next issue*
*~*Answers to the Trivia Questions*~*
In “Here is Greenwood,” Ranma Saotome appears on the anime club poster.
In “Project A-Ko,” the spaceships fire Pepsi cans that explode. The whole movie is almost an advertisement for Pepsi Inc, and included a Dr. Pepper can in the movie A-Ko and C-Ko watch!
Mainer-Japanese Dictionary of Key Phrases
Genki desu ka?
How ya there, bub?
Genki desu!
Wicked (whiick-ked) good
Ohayo gozaimasu!
Konnichi wa!
*nod* How ya there, bub?
Konban wa!
Ebi doozo!
Gimme a lobstah.
Piza doozo!
Gimme some pizzer there, bub.
Etchi!!! (or) Pervert!!!
Ain’t right.
Anata no baka!!!
Ya a piece a jank.
Notes: Generally, you never pronounce the R, ever. For the traveling Japanese person, that works rather nicely. However, the R shows up at the end of Pizza (pizzer), Idea (idear), and Katahdin (Katardin) (Katahdin is a very nice mountain/state park in Northern Maine... aka potato country). Japanese aren’t the only xenophobic (trans: afraid of outsiders) people in the world... Mainers hate people from anywhere. In fact, never ask a Mainer for directions, you will only get wrong ones.
Closing: At Shinra’s Bar Harbor Lab
Hojo: I see... so you can’t defeat him? Hm...
Gatomon: My theory is still right...
Hojo: Now, Mr. Kitty-kitty, who is the scientist and who is the strange perverted kitty cat?
Gatomon: ...
Sephy: Pops, can you help us or what?!
Mercury: Father, please help us...
Shampoo: What you talking bout? Seanma marry Shampoo, not some mini-skirt brothel girl!
Sephy: Can’t you make some sort of mice army?!
Cyber Kitty: Note- the Jackson Lab (in Bar Harbor) is the world’s primary spot to buy mice, and also apparently are working on the human genome project... Ha! I knew that Shinra was still making evil SOLDIER monsters two games later...
Sephy: Well?
Hojo: Well... *walks to the window* we do have an extremely experimental EVA unit downstairs which could spell certain doom for the entire world... In fact, just turning it on could destroy everything in the known universe. We call it the Enter Violent Angel Ultimate Nominal Intelligence Transport 16, or EVA UNIT 16 for short. It will be impossible to pilot it without an experienced EVA pilot, however. *turns around* Where did everybody go?
Giant Communist Dancing Bear: *shrugs... turns on DARK circus music and dances*
Hojo: *adjusts glasses* How predictable...
Asuka: *turns on the intercom* Sephy, are you sure that this is safe?
Sephy: *over the intercom* As much as anything else! Good luck and may the Force be with you... be continued...
Kenshin: *lost in Bar Harbor* Excuse me, but I’m trying to find Shinra’s Bar Harbor Lab...
Ol’ Mainer: Well, you go five blocks that way... *points in an obscure direction* Then hitch the five ‘clock feray to Swan’s Isle, then hitch a ride back he’a on a seal. Then you need to ask that man thear *points to a passerby* Where ya can hitch a ride on the eight ‘clock feray to Beal’s Isle...
Kenshin: Oro-o-o-o... *gets dizzy and falls down*
Ol’ Mainer: Ain’t right...
ANL Tripod Page (archives)
Ami-chan’s really cool page
The Animé Turnpike, The #1 source on every Animé
Right Stuf On-line Store
A really cool Sailor Moon site
Zell’s webpage
On-line gaming at its best!
We do not own anything, it all belongs to a whole bunch of other people, a very long list, so we’re not going to try.
We apologize if anyone is deeply offended by our views, and if you are easily offended by stuff like this,
we would suggest unsubscribing and/or moving to Pluto. When you arrive at Pluto, inform both Sailor Pluto and Tetsuro (aka Monkey Boy) that they both owe me $2.50.
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