Season 2, Issue 1
Subject: IT'S HERE!!! The Animé Newsletter
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 05:07:32 -0800 (PST)
Animé News Letter
Season 2, Issue 1
The rebirth of the long thought dead news...
Editor/Reviews/Battle Square: Sephiroth/Seanma
Coffee Wench/Rumiko Takahashi Correspondent: Ukyo Kounji
Lowly Reporter: Purin/Bryoga
Sephy’s Digimon: Gatomon
Secret Police: Cyber Kitty/=^o^=
Sent to: Erika Lt./Lum/Ifurita, Jake, Mr. Saotoby, Happodan/Dr. Tofu, "The Secretary", Fujikuro,
Ami-chan, Melancholy, Ranma, Nighteyes, and Aly/Mimi
Subscribers in: Maine 5, California 2, Texas 2, Georgia 1, Colorado 1
If you know anyone who wants this, contact us at
We are back! Our hotmail account screwed us over, so we’re starting a new! We’ve got some series to
report and even a few movies, so hang on and let the music take you! Oh, Shade got in a fight with
me, and, well... he ended up like Aeris. No more Shade, and that means that the Animé News Letter
will be better than ever (my precious, precious Battle Square is saved)!!! That’s about it.
- Sephiroth
Animé Review: Macross II (written by Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: *** Ukyo: *** Gatomon: ** Purin: *****
This is a love story including an invading alien race
(the Marduk), some weird space armada, and an investigative reporter. There’s this great fortress
called the Macross that is supposedly this ship “Alus” that’ll save the aliens from themselves.
An alien princess named Ishtar gets abducted by the reporter, and she falls in love with him.
It gets more complicated when an officer falls in love with the reporter too. Well, the alien race
is lead by this emperor who happens to think that he’s a god, and he has husky eyes.
We all know that the animé villains with husky eyes (one blue, one brown) are evil incarnate.
Now that I think of it, I had a history teacher that had husky eyes... he gave out a lot of
homework, too... hmm.... Well, anyway, Macross has got cool mecha thrown in, and that makes it all
the more fun. It’s a good love/war story.
Animé Review: Slayers (written by Sephiroth)
Sephiroth: ***** Ukyo: **** Gatomon: **** Purin: *****
*Sniff* This is a beautiful series. It is about a ditzy
sorceress and her swordsman companion. They walk around and get into a lot of trouble.
They do everything from slaying DRAG-ons (you heard me, it looks like a dragon though...) to
escaping bounty hunters (someone in Sairaag put a bounty on their heads) to acting in a play!
Mmmm… the stage! We think the characters will really appeal to you!
It is a good series if you’re into humorous stuff about the Middle Ages.
Battle Square
Sephy: Hello and welcome! Today, we are pitting Gatomon against a Raichu, inspired by a chatroom battle, and we’re going to solve the dispute right here, right now! I’d like to take this time to say that if you’d like to see any character from animé or a Japanese video game duke it out with another, tell us, and it’ll happen.
Gatomon: Hmph! After this, I’m not going to be the one to let the eighth child get away.
Raichu: Rai-chu!!! Chu, chu, RAI!!! *thunderbolt, deflected by wall ring*
Sephy: The ‘wall’ spell reflects any attack back at an opponent, and the relic ‘wall ring’ automatically casts a wall.
Gatomon: Ha! That’ll show you who’s boss! *claws Raichu*
Raichu: *Screams out in pain* Raichu! *kicks Gatomon*
Gatomon: Here’s something for you to think about... *pulls out a green rock*
Sephy: That’s an ‘Earth Materia!’ It teaches quake 1, 2, and 3!
Gatomon: Now, you lose! Quake three!!! *rocks explode out of the ground, hitting Raichu hard*
Sephiroth: Raichu are electric pokémon, and are thus weak to rock and ground attacks. Gatomon wins!!! That wraps up another round of battle square. Before we leave, we’d like to say that if you really want any of your favorite characters go against each other, tell us and it’ll happen. Oh, those who put together the newsletter always tend to win, just to warn you (as you may have already guessed).
Religious Influences in Japanese Pop-Culture (an article by Gatomon)
Has anyone noticed Christian, Shinto, and Buddhist influences in
animé and video games? Here are some examples: Angemon, Angewomon (whom I Digivolve into), and
Magnangemon (angel creatures from Digimon) fighting creatures like Devimon (a demon)... could that
be influences from Christianity? I say yes. In Ranma 1/2, notice those lamp-like statues?
Those are Shinto, yep. Oh, and the Ki, also called Chi, they refer to (which they sometimes call
‘battle aura’) is in Buddhist and Shinto believes. Hey, even take Macross II, Istar and Marduk are
names of Gods from Islamic beliefs. Our dear editor-in-chief, Sephiroth, is named after a cabalist
(a branch of the Jewish religion), and Jenova, yeah... can you say Jehovah?
The movies Wrath of the Ninja and Ninja Scroll are very Buddhist influenced.
Even *gag* Pokémon has Shinto undertones. Remember the episode “Maiden’s Peak” or something, well,
that ceremony at the end was a Shinto ritualistic dance. I’ll leave it at that.
Closing: At Ucchan’s
Sephy: We close this way every issue, where we sprout new ideas for approval from you, the subscriber. Purin, you first.
Purin: *slugs down some mocha* Jigglypuff!!! Well, you need more things on Pokémon, and you didn’t even mention who the eighth child is.
Gatomon: *stops playing on a Tomagotchi* It’s Kari. Duh.
Purin: *slaps Gatomon*
Gatomon: OH! THAT’S THE WAY YOU WANT IT!? *scratches Purin*
Sephy: Save it for the Battle Square! Oh, and I’ll need 5 million Yen for the Arena. You know, fix it up a bit...
Ukyo: We don’t have the money.
Purin: ...and I was about to summon the 57 Jigglypuff of the apocalypse!
Everyone else: *stunned silence*
Sephy: *whacks Purin upside the head* You are not allowed to talk anymore.
Ukyo: Here’s an idea, why don’t we have an awards night for animé?
Gatomon: Well... Let’s see if we get feedback.
Purin: Sounds like a good idea!
Sephy: *throws Purin into orbit* I SAID SHUT UP!!!
Purin: Looks like Team Jiggly’s blasting off again!!! *fades off into the horizon*
Sephy: Well, everything’s gone all silly... Good night. *fade out to black*
LightningRPG: The Ultimate Pokémon RPG (A POKéMON on-line RPG)
The Animé Turnpike, The #1 source on every Animé
Monty Python On-line
The Right Stuf Catalog
A great catalog to find animé in (to order a catalog, pay $3 by calling 1-800-338-6827)
on the web at
A really cool Sailor Moon site
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