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Sephiroth's Commentary

Sephy Says!

Welcome to an exiting part of our site with FAQs!

Q: Why is it that all these girls are in love with Sephiroth? I just don't get it!
A: Can I help it if I'm attractive?

Q: Sephy said he wanted Ukyo back in one issue but then right in the next one... he's all in love with the new girl Shampoo!
A: That isn't a question, but... I was never in love with Ukyo! She only thought I was Ranma (they call me Seanma for a reason) and it was all too complicated...

Q: What role does Oddichu really play? And who really loves her?
A: Oddichu is a hybrid pokémon, like Jiggleevee, and we figure that they must be really lonely, so they're going to marry each other.

Q: What's up with perverse kitty cats?!
A: Only Gatomon is perverted. He was data-code for a Happosai-digimon, but became corrupted and mixed with the data of Gatomon.

Q: Will the end of the fight between Cyber (who was first mentioned as female but is really a male... grr...) and Cyber Kitty ever be shown?!
A: By issue fourteen, the battle will be resolved.

Q: Will Ami-chan defend her title as Writer of the Year this year?
A: Ask Ami-chan.

Q: And how will she do it? By writing some sad articles??? Or Reviews?! On WHAT?!
A: I don't know... my bet would be that Locke or Lain The Typhoon will win it in 2001.

Q: Why isn't Asuka mentioned in the ANL?
A: She is, she's just, um... in the background.

Q: Why are there two ANL sites?
A: Why have just one? We want to be special!!!

Q: How come Sephy has to pick on poor Shampoo's name... hair care that... hair product this... and yet he's got a fling with her? What's wrong Shampoo?! How can you take that abuse?!
A: No comment.

Q: How did they make a lab coat for a Jigglypuff?
A: Purin and I are both the sons of Hojo, and he gave Purin a special lab coat one summer.

Q: Will Ukyo or Belldandy ever reappear....for even 1 reunion issue?
A: Belldandy is dead (see Battle Square Superstar). However, Ukyo may show back up...

Q: Why is Asuka the only EVA person here?
A: Why is Purin the only pokémon? Why is Fujikuro the only Iria: Zeiram the Animation? There is no answer, it's just what happened.

Q: Do people actually READ the ANL?
A: Yes they do. Over half of the subscribers e-mail us telling us how wonderful we are.

Q: Shampoo makes the best tea!
A: That isn't a question, but I do like her tea.

Q: What happened in Issue #12's Battle Square?!
A: Saotoby and Saotome defeated Ultros, but then Chupon sneezed them away.

Q: Eva Production Model Unit 02 is the best Mecha (although it really isn't a mecha...) EVER!!!
A: Bah... Queen Margarita (from Project A-ko 2) and Gundam Deathscythe are the best, I have no idea what you're talking about... Plus, if an Eva is eaten (even without you in it), you feel all the pain. Do you feel that with Queen Margarita or Deathscythe? No! Oh, and "I don't mind being the god of death forever" (Duo Maxwell).

Q: What's up with several names?!
A: We are several people in one! I am Sephiroth, but also a Ranma-ish looking character named Seanma. Purin is several pokémon and Bryoga (not to be confused with Ryoga). The geocities web master is known both as Fujikuro and Zell. These personalities never encounter each other, since they are one in the same.

Q: Why the Hell do you edit people?! I'm NOT getting my money's worth...
A: Are you paying us? *flips you off for saying something stupid* The ANL does not cost you anything, but we dedicate ourselves to providing a fun e-zine for all ages, give or take. If you have a problem with that, then go **** yourself.

Thanks for reading!

Lord Sephiroth