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Anime News Letter Season 1:
ANL Classic

Season 1, Issue 2

Subject: The Second Animé News Letter!!!
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 21:12:56 EDT

The Animé News Letter #2
The Every So Often News Letter for Otaku!!!

President/Reviews: Archmage Shade/Seanma/Prof. Duffy/Lord of the Dice
Vice President/Rumiko Takahashi Correspondent: Ukyo Kounji/Goddess of the Spatula
Lowly Reporter: Purin/Bryoga/King of Kawaii, POKéMON Researcher
Secret Police: Cyber Kitty/=^o^=

Sent to: Erika Lt./Lum, Jake, Mr. Saotoby, Happodan/Dr. Tofu, "The Secretary"/OA Man, Kirk, "It's a me" Mario, Lord Geos, and Thor the God of Accounting.
Members in: Maine 6, California 2, unknown 1

If you know anyone who wants this, contact us at

"Hello and welcome to volume two of the Animé News Letter. We have some new sections added this month, a fanfic, and a picture! Also, we want to stress some involvement among the subscribers, so we've started the Battle Square and we'll show case any poems or stories you send us (Cyber Kitty and I will view and edit it, if we believe it is inappropriate, NO HENTAI [Japanese/English dictionary: Hentai- Pervert]) Well, time's a wasting, so let it begin!"
- Archmage Shade

Animé review: El Hazard, the Magnificent World
Lum's review: *****
El Hazard is an enchanting tale with great music, a wonderful story line and dazzling characters. It all begins with the discovery of mysterious ruins beneath the school... Meet Makoto Mizuhara, an ordinary Japanese high school student. However, Katsuhiko Jinnai (a not-so-ordinary student) has somehow gotten it into his head that Makoto is his destined rival, and hatches plot after plot against him. Makoto's never given Jinnai any reason to believe this, but that doesn't stop Jinnai from luring Makoto to the school late one night for his own nefarious reasons. Once at the schoolyard, Makoto is summoned by a mysterious woman (Ifurita, the demon Goddess) who shows him the way to El Hazard, the Magnificent World. Pulled this way and that by the threads of destiny, Makoto and several others venture into this incredible new land. Little do they know what lies ahead of them in this distant dimension. A great movie for those with much imagination.

Thank you, Lum!!! - Ukyo and Shade

TV Review: Monster Rancher
Shade's ratings: ***  Purin's ratings: ****  Ukyo's ratings: ****
This is a show that grows on you. I watched one episode, and it looked bad at the beginning, but it was very entertaining at the end. This is a show about a young boy who gets swept away to another land and gets a penguin with a shell as a pet/friend. He joins up with a girl named Holly, who has a Seuzo (a big cycloptic ball on a tail). Although the Seuzo's voice is annoying, he's okay. I have only seen the second episode, and from what I gathered, they are trying to find the Phoenix disk (they get their monsters from disks), in order to destroy the big shadow creature who has an army of monsters. It's a good show, so try watching it sometime.

Video Game Review: Monster Rancher
"Hey, Shade," "Yes, Ukyo?" "I thought we were done with that show." "Well, it was based on a video game, a cool one at that." "Huh?"
Shade's ratings: *****  Purin's ratings: *****  Ukyo's (after a few hours): ****
Yes, it's monster rancher. Okay, you work at your ranch raising monsters, and you fight them in tournaments. It was fun, doubly so, once you went on safari to find items. You get monsters by going to shrines and putting in your very own CDs. Cool or what?
Shade's monster preference: Hengars. These robots are hard to find, but they use cool laser techniques. I'd suggest them!
Purin's monster preference: Dragons. Also hard to obtain, but the dragons are a classic choice!
Ukyo's monster preference: Pixies. These are the hardest to hit, but their physical attacks are limited. Once they get spells, they become very powerful. They're number one!

Battle Square
Shade draws out his sword. "Welcome to Battle Square, where we match characters against other characters, or our special WARPED monster-after-monster line up. We also take (and prefer) suggestions from you, our viewers."
Shade takes a sword stance. "Today, I will battle the monster line up, for your amusement."
Shade: (charges energy)
Knight: (uses sword, hits shoulder) Ni!
Shade: Fireball Alley!!! (Seven fireballs hit the knight, bursting him into fire)
Knight: Ni!!! (Runs off)

Shade: (charges energy)
Wizard: Fireball! (hits Shade)
Shade: Shadow Three Point Technique-STAR FURRY!!! (Claws, punches wizard, then sends a stream of white dust into his eyes)
Wizard: I can't see!!!! Bolt! (misses)
Shade: 4x CUT!!! (Slashes the wizard four times)
Wizard: Oww!!! (flinches)
Shade: All right, X-zone!!! (dark, starry void swallows up the wizard)

Shade: What!?
=^o^=: Prepare to lose!!! CAT-SCAN!!! (transforms into a meowth)
Shade: The cat-scan! This technique was developed to search the web for a random cat to transform into. All right, now, for my ultimate technique...
CYBER MEOWTH: Pay day!!! (grabs three ryu [ryu:ancient Japanese currency that looks like a three-inch long, flat oval, can be seen on meowth's head] and throws them at Shade)
Shade: Oww... That's it!!! WIZARD FINAL TECHNIQUE - SHADOW SLAUGHTER!!! (transforms Cyber Meowth into a little kitty)
Cyber Kitty-chan: Aww.. I'm small *sniffle*. (runs off)
Shade: Yea! Victory!!!

"All right, that wasn't a good as some fan suggested matches could have been. So e-mail today!!!"

The Past Life Experience!
Well I've noticed a lot of resemblance some Japanese charectors have together, so I've listed them here, whether you believe them or not is your decision.
- Archmage Shade

Sephiroth (FF VII) has white hair and looks like Malachite (Sailor Moon) who also has white hair. In Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser, the villain has white hair and two different colored eyes, just like the villain in Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture. In POKéMON (TV), Jigglypuff is white and is evil. In all the Kirby games, Kirby looks like Jigglypuff. Coincidence? I think not.

*ALERT RED ALERT* According to my resources, Brock will leave the POKéMON cartoon, next season, which starts this week...
*ALERT BLUE ALERT* Umm. nothin' really, just wanted to say 'hi'.

1 fanfic, entitled 'Fun with Tifa and Aeris' written by Tifa (Shade's archives)
1 picture, a fox/human finds herself in Sailor Moon's outfit, and is both shocked and embarrassed (image stolen from (Shade's archives)

FireRpg: Let the Battle Begin! (A Pokémon on-line RPG)
The Animé Turnpike, The #1 source on every Animé
Monty Python On-line

The Right Stuf Catalog
A great catalog to find animé in (to order a catalog, pay $3 by calling 1-800-338-6827) on the web at

If you'd like to contribute anything, contact us at or

Back Issues:
Issue 1 - The Phantom Dentist

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